Are traditional business cards still important? Here are five reasons why a professionally designed card will always leave a lasting impression with everyone you meet:
Make a great first impression. A typical response my clients get when handing out their business card is, “WOW! What a beautiful card!” Who wouldn’t want to feel the confidence that comes with that?
It’s a more personal touch, like a little gift you give to the recipient. Especially if your card has a spot gloss accent, or gold foil, or radius corners, people want to keep it.
Cards hang around in the line of sight. Not all phones are compatible with exchanging contact information digitally, and electronic data can be a “capture and forget” situation.
They are culturally appropriate. Some cultures hold the exchange of business cards in high regard. If someone from Hong Kong, for instance, hands you their card and you do not have one to hand back, you will lose the business.
It’s an inexpensive direct marketing tool. Because the card is given in conjunction with a two way conversation, it’s always going to be more powerful than digital marketing which is mostly one-way communication.
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”